Keeping Christ in Christmas

I recently heard a quote that resonated deeply: “Christmas isn’t about the presents under the tree; it’s about the presence of Christ around the tree.” This simple yet profound statement captures a challenge many of us face during the season: how do we keep Christ at the center of Christmas?

Our Efforts to Honor Christ
Many of us already take steps to focus on Christ during Christmas. We attend church services, especially on Christmas Eve, often with our families. We give generously to others and provide for those in need. Some even dedicate their holiday to an “others-focused” Christmas, prioritizing the needs of others above their own.

While these actions are meaningful and honor Christ’s birth, there’s a deeper call: to be the person the world needs—a follower of Christ. Beyond our good deeds, how can we embody Christ in how we celebrate Christmas?

How Might Christ Celebrate Christmas?
It’s fun to imagine Jesus’s birthday celebration—perhaps angel food cake topped with strawberries? While that’s playful conjecture, Philippians 2 offers a real framework for how Christ might approach Christmas:

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:3-5)

The Apostle Paul’s words give us three ways to embody Christ this Christmas: being like-minded, second-minded, and others-minded.

1. Be Like-Minded

Paul calls us to unity, moving together in the same direction with a shared focus. Imagine if every Christian aligned their Christmas goal with Christ’s mission: to share His love and bring others closer to Him.

This season, consider how your actions reflect that purpose. Can you invite a neighbor or co-worker to a church service? Share the Gospel with your family? Offer kindness to a stranger? Let’s unite in being lights that point others to Christ, making His love the true focus of the season.

2. Be Second-Minded

Humility is central to Christ’s mindset, and Paul challenges us to embrace it by putting others before ourselves. Christmas can bring stress, especially when people or situations test our patience.

Instead of reacting with frustration, strive for kindness, patience, and grace. Perhaps it’s forgiving someone who’s hurt you or showing warmth to a difficult family member. Being second-minded means choosing Christ’s love over personal pride, reflecting His humility in all we do.

3. Be Others-Minded

Paul also reminds us to look out for others’ needs. In a world that often says, “Put yourself first,” Christ calls us to serve. This might look like helping someone who’s struggling, volunteering at a local charity, or simply offering an encouraging word.

Christ came not to be served, but to serve. He gives us countless opportunities to give, both big and small. Embrace these moments as a way to show His love to those around you.

The True Spirit of Christmas
Keeping Christ in Christmas isn’t just about what we do—it’s about who we are. Let’s align our goals with His mission, prioritize others with humility, and embrace opportunities to serve.

This Christmas, focus less on the presents under the tree and more on His presence around it. That’s how we truly celebrate the reason for the season.

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