When Pastor Scott Tewell candidated for the church 26 years ago, they asked if he would be willing to start a school at Rosedale Baptist Church. Pastor had a background in education as his grandfather was the superintendent of a local school district growing up and his dad was a retired principal of three elementary schools. His mother also taught elementary school for many years of her life. There was a background of education and a heart for Christian education and so the answer was emphatically, yes.

In 2000, we opened the doors to Rosedale Christian Academy, formally known as Rosedale Baptist School. It was mainly for our church community, so we started smaller and God blessed it with our heart for Christian character building, our focus on academic excellence, and the love the teachers had for the students grew quickly. The school grew from about 35 the first year to about 235 in four years. We started realizing as we let a few others come in from outside of the community that were children of pastors and different situations, that there was a real need.

The school has been one of the best ways to impact families and our community. God has truly blessed the growth through a three-pronged approach of academic excellence, Christian character building, and a heart of love that our teachers and staff have for the community.