One of the primary goals of our elementary school is teaching kids how to be students of God’s word and God’s world. In order to get the best from their education, and from life, kids need to become “diligent disciples.”

The Elementary curriculum is designed to provide students with a thorough and cohesive program of learning based on a Christian worldview. Teachers assist students in developing necessary skills and knowledge while fueling the natural curiosity of young children. They work to help students establish a commitment to excellence. Through the scheduled curriculum, review, and evaluation, teachers update and refine teaching material and instructional techniques in an effort to help students reach essential grade-level proficiency. The scope of learning in each subject area is designed to build on the previous year’s instruction and to prepare students for success in the next grade level. Through well-planned assignments that increase in complexity and essential independence, students leaving our elementary school are well prepared to enter the middle school years with confidence.


Kindergarten is a year of discovery and the start of a 13-year journey to high school graduation. Choosing the right school to begin this journey is crucial.

At Rosedale, we focus on essential academic foundations while also promoting spiritual, social, and emotional growth. Our nurturing kindergarten environment is led by highly qualified teachers who love the Lord and are passionate about their work. Using the Abeka phonics program, Rosedale kindergarten students develop a love of reading. Their day also includes Bible class, hands-on art, music, and personal expression, preparing them to be well-equipped 1st graders. Through numbers, letters, and skill development, we cultivate the abilities children need for satisfaction and success on whatever path God has for them.

First Grade

First graders are eager to read and write, building on letter sounds, sight words, and decoding skills. Much of the day focuses on developing these abilities, moving students toward greater independence in language arts. Handwriting is practiced for consistency and legibility, and spelling lessons begin. Students also have many opportunities to write their thoughts.

In math, new skills are introduced daily and reviewed throughout the year, with a focus on mastering addition facts. First graders start working independently on tasks. By year-end, they are excited to find scripture verses and familiar Bible stories they have studied. They’re off and running!

Second Grade

Second graders become more independent, applying basic skills and discovering reading for enjoyment while developing writing as communication. Phonics instruction continues, with an increased focus on reading comprehension and fluency.

They solidify their understanding of addition and subtraction facts, forming a strong math foundation. Through studying the seven continents and engaging in hands-on science units, students become more aware of the world. The Bible curriculum focuses on the life of Christ, encouraging them to respond in faith to the Gospel message.

Third Grade

Third graders become more independent readers, improving reading comprehension and analyzing texts by summarizing, comparing, and contrasting characters and events. The novel-based reading program includes non-fiction, and students write for various purposes, such as narrating, informing, describing, and researching. These skills culminate in a state report presentation.

In math, students review addition and subtraction, master multiplication facts, and tackle more demanding concepts and vocabulary, encouraging mathematical thinking.

Fourth Grade

In fourth grade, students are expected to take greater personal responsibility for their work, emphasizing good organizational skills. They use daily planners to manage assignments, with teacher support to develop these skills.

Reading instruction focuses on novels that teach important comprehension skills, with students sharing their insights in group activities. Basic reading skills are applied in science and history. Math instruction covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with a focus on mastering all math facts. Students also work on estimation, rounding, and solving word problems to deepen their mathematical thinking.

Fifth Grade

In 5th grade, the focus is on developing organizational and study skills and preparing for middle school. Students work on research assignments, enhancing written and spoken communication. Mastered reading skills enable independent learning, while science and math foster discovery and investigation about God’s world. Bible study covers seeing Jesus Christ throughout the Bible, from Old Testament prophecies to the Gospels.

History covers American history from the early years to the present, helping students recognize the lasting impact of past events and people. In science, students explore nature, mammals, earth’s treasures, and vertebrates through hands-on projects and experiments.

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