Upcoming Dates

Presidents’ Day

All RBS Closed- ELC will remain open





 Tie Die Day
Elementary & ELC students only

Fine Arts Academic Testing
Pre-registered only by schedule
Grades 4-8 | 2/22-2/25/2022

Kindergarten Cap & Gown Pictures
All K5 Students

NJHS/ NHS Induction Ceremony
By invitation for Inductees & Members

Spring Sports Tryout

Boy’s Baseball | Girl’s Soccer

3/7/2022- 3/8/2022

State Fine Arts Competition
State Secondary Competition- 3/11/2022

State Spelling Bee- 3/18/2022

Professional Development
(Calendar Addition)
All RBS Closed- ELC will remain open

SAT Administration

Pre-registered only in  Grades 11 & 12 


End of Third Quarter


Spring Break

All RBS & ELC closed


Tie Die Day

In celebration of “Twos” Day, Grades PK2- 5 are invited to wear tie die on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.


Rosedale Aftercare Employment


We would like to offer Rosedale families that have a parent or guardian work in our aftercare program the ability to receive a discount off of your tuition. If you sign-up for a minimum of 3 days a week (3:30 PM- 6 PM) you can earn up to 10% off of your family account for the month! This would be on top of an hourly wage of $12.50 that you would receive for each hour worked as wellIf interested you may visit our school website and complete an application (RBS Employment Application) or reach out to our Aftercare Director, Ms. Bressan at directly.



Health Reporting Reminder

We ask all families to follow our school health policies as referenced on our school website. Our school nurses are available to discuss general health concerns at It is essential that all COVID related matters are reported in a timely fashion to



Fine Arts at Rosedale

Our State Spelling Bee and our Secondary Fine Arts Competitions are right around the corner and more information will be provided soon to those participating. For students in Grades 4-8 who are registered for our Academic Testing, we have adjusted our testing week and will be sending a schedule to you soon. Whatever talent your child has been given, we hope to give them an enriching opportunity to use it through our Fine Arts Program. Look for more information soon and please feel free to reference our Rosedale Fine Arts 2021-22 Flyer for important dates.


2022-23 School Year

We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year. As a reminder, we offer a $500 referral credit to current families if a new family lists you as a reference. If you know anyone who is looking for a well-rounded educational program for grades Pk2 through 12th, please let them know to visit our school website to complete an application. We ask that any family that wishes to withdraw a student for the 2022-23 school year notify us of this intent using the following RBS Student Withdraw Form. This will not affect the remainder of the current school year. 


Rosedale Christian Academy 

In case you missed Pastor Tewell’s recent announcement, you can view it here, Rosedale Christian Academy Announcement. Look for more information to be provided soon as we prepare for this exciting transition.


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